Saturday, 14 March 2015

Change is life!!

As a teenager,it was difficult to decide one's career path with so many choices around. Honestly,it is like a buffet. You want to try all of them but there is only so much you do! In a time,when most of my peers went on to join the best engineering schools of the country,I took the most difficult decision of my life.
It had an effect on all my relationships,be it whether with my parents or my friends. I was always academically inclined and stood in the top five students of the class. Everyone around me expected me to join one of the premier engineering institutes of the country. After preparing for the JEE extensively for two years,I realised that it is not my calling. I realised I could never be an engineer no matter how much I tried.
Unfortunately,things did not go as I wanted them to and I ended up in an engineering college. Within a few months,I gave up. I could go on no more pretending to like engineering,when I clearly did not.
I have always been close to my father. I knew I had to talk to him and tell him that my happiness lies not in pursuing engineering but literature.
It disturbed him that I had to pursue something against my wishes.  I pulled out of the engineering school and enrolled into one a literature course. That decision changed my life .
In a time,when a child's opinion would hardly matter,my parents broke the rules and heard me out.
Needless to say,my life changed that day. I realised that I had to accept changes and change is the only constant.
. That changes in life helps a person grow. Changes teach us more than what 15 years of education can.  Every living being is constantly changing and working to improve itself. We all strive to be better than what we are. A person has to accept change to grow in life and make sure that he keeps introspecting himself to make himself better.
I remember a story of two axe-cutters. Everyday,they were assigned a fixed number of wooden logs to cut. While the first axe-cutter toiled harder and would always start early in the morning,the other woodcutter would use his optimum energy. The time that the former gave was more than the second woodcutter,yet the results would be a complete reverse. One day,he asked his companion of the secret behind his results. And to his astonishment,the second woodcutter told him that he would just sharpen his axe or alternate it with his second axe. The woodcutter was left in awe. Such a simple solution but so easily ignored. Change is necessary.
Change is life!
It is important to welcome changes easily for the betterment of ourselves and our family.
Just like me, believes that change is good. This post is inspired by

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